Sunday, December 11, 2016

sunday sketches :: more lily drawings

More little doodles about my cat, Lily.

I don’t have curtains like this. Nothing with butterflies for her to chase!

I do have some sheer curtains with a swag. It drapes from one side of the curtain rod with a big swoop in the middle and then hangs down the other side of the window. I have to straighten it EVERY DAY as the swoop is always lopsided.

Lily must have some hang-up about things being straight and even, while I’m just the opposite and like things to be in order.

This one demonstrates how she hides. She’s not very good at it!

Sharing with Sunday Sketches. Stop by and take a look at Alexandra’s Advent illustrations. They are adorable!


  1. wow you made me smile, love everthing about your drawings

  2. very cute pieces, just as well not curtains like that!

  3. I meant 'just as well you don't have curtains like that, they've been spared'!

  4. Oh how sweet! I love her hiding place...

  5. Ha ha, oh Lily always redecorating. ;)

  6. I love your Lily illustrations. She probably wonders when you are going to stop undoing her brilliant decorating work.

  7. What Leekrek said!!!! ♥♥♥♥

  8. What charming little sketches. Cats are always giving us something to think about, paint about, enjoy.


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