Sunday, December 4, 2016

sunday sketches :: winter is coming

Well, no snow. Yet. Definitely colder here.

Winter is coming. (Not the Game of Thrones “winter is coming” sense hopefully!)

I’m one of those people who hopes for a White Christmas. And that’s it. One day only!! Then we can move on to longer days and more sunshine! Anybody agree with me on that?

Sharing with Sunday Sketches.


  1. Yes, I absolutely agree :)
    Your gentle winter princess looks adorable!

  2. Lovely illustration, Sue! We don't get snow at all here in Brisbane yet I adore snowmen.

  3. Well, I usually like one good snow that let's me hibernate for a few days, but after that, bring on the warmth and sunshine. Your little pink-cheeked girl is so cute.

  4. Oh she's lovely. The trees and the sky are so pretty too.

  5. Lovely illustration ~ she is so sweet ~ love your style ~ thanks ~

  6. Yep, she looks cold! Winter is not my favourite but one blogger says she looks at it as a time of hibernation, sounds like a good idea.

  7. very nice illustration, love her hat :)

    I'm not too concerned with snow on Xmas, as long as it doesn't rain I will be good with that tho

  8. I hear ya'! And I'm with ya'! ;) LOVE your pink girl!

  9. oh yes, I agreed with you, one snow day and just sunshine for the rest of the year...

    such a cute drawing. I like the pink coat and hat.

    have a lovely day.


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