Monday, August 13, 2012

over the weekend

I spent the weekend with my grandson.

We went school supply shopping. He starts this coming Wednesday.

New jeans. New shirts. New shoes. Sharp-dressed man.

End of the season sales…new swimsuits for me.

A trip to the used bookstore. Of course.

Iced latte (for me). Mocha frappuccino (for josh).

We played lots of cards, too. The loser had to eat a Harry Potter jelly bean. I tasted dirt, vomit and two black peppers. Ugh.


  1. sounds like a great time. we have been back to school shopping too - have to go now, or else they sell out! :)
    love your coffee doodle!!!!!!

    1. yes, things were already sort of picked over by the time we went. on the other hand, lots of bargains to be had !!

  2. Sounds like a fun time with your grandson...especially the used book store! Yucky jellybeans! :)

    1. yes, yucky jellybeans. I would hate to be the taste tester for that company!! ugh.

  3. I love the weekend illustration. Especially the book store and the "sharp-dressed" young man. What a lovely phrase!


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