Thursday, October 1, 2015


I stumbled upon InkTober last year and thought it looked like a lot of fun! Of course, I didn’t find it until December or something like that. Always too late.

Not this year. I started seeing posts about a week ago and thought …. yeah, I’m gonna do that this year! I’m nowhere near the level of InkTober creator, Jake Parker, but what the heck.

I’ll start out simple...stuff around the my purse here. Maybe work my way up to something grand!

I need a good kick in the pants to get me going again. I took of a few days off from blogging in early September and that turned into a few weeks.

My problem is that I continue to draw and doodle. I just get hung up on the scanning and blogging part! Life keeps getting in the way!

So now I’ve committed myself to #inktober. You read it right here!


  1. Good for you! I'm thinking about it.....maybe...... :-/

  2. Great that you're committing to this! Looking forward to your creations :-)

  3. You make me jaleous ... sigh ... I will have so much to do in the office for the next two months and can't attend. But I love your purse! It's super stylish and elegant!


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