Monday, December 5, 2011

one of those weekends

Ok, I have to complain for a minute. I had a terrible weekend.

I had to work most of Saturday because my work projects are never ending. (I hate to complain about work because I love my job. Really I do. I just like it a lot more when it’s Monday through Friday. I don’t like when it cuts into my paint + play time.)

After I worked for several hours, I was vacuuming the carpets and put out my back! I am literally a walking question mark!! (This is my back = ?) Oh, it hurts.

I went to the chiropractor this morning and after she beat me up, I felt pretty good! For a while anyway. Now the pain is back. Ooooohhhh.

Anyway, thank you for letting me whine. I’m done now.

Hope your weekend was better than mine.


  1. Awww...I'm sorry to hear about your bad back and bad weekend. :-( I hope it gets better soon. Hopefully all those water aerobics have strengthened your back so it can bounce back. The real culprit is the vacuum cleaner. That's why I stay far, far away from them! Take care!

  2. I know that pain! Ouch! Hope you feel better fast!


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