Sunday, October 16, 2011

perfect weekend

I went to a watercolor workshop yesterday. More details later this week.

Today I did chores outside. Then some doodling this afternoon and evening.

It was really hot today. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be nice, too. Then we’re in for a cool down. Since all the flowers will freeze over the next few days, we started yanking them up today. So sad because with the cooler weather, everything has been looking so bright and colorful!

The front garden was full of vinca. I planted a few and then they just sort of expanded and then next thing I knew, I had PINK everywhere. 

1 comment:

  1. It was a gorgeous weekend. Flowers are still pretty at my Spdle house when I was there over the weekend. Haven't pulled them up yet. So much still to do at that house. Ugh! I would rather sit here in the condo and pretend it's all done. :-D


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