Wednesday, April 12, 2017

scribble picnic :: rabbit

I finally got back in the studio yesterday. This week’s theme at Scribble Picnic was too hard to resist. Our back yard is covered in clover (and weeds) and every evening you can see a rabbit or two.

This time of year, I have to be careful and check before I let the dog out. Last year, she caught a couple of baby bunnies. I guess they panicked and didn’t make it under the fence in time. This year, I’m going to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Please stop by and visit other artists at Scribble Picnic.


  1. Your little bunny is a perfect look for a Easter Card. I wish I could see live bunnies in my yard, but would need to keep our Molly inside..

  2. Your sweet bunny appears to be on the lookout, perhaps having had a close encounter previously!
    I'm glad you felt up to doing the painting. Hugs and continued prayers for you.

  3. Charming bunny piece. I like the simplicity of it.
    I think it is special that you get to see bunnies in your yard. I love seeing any wildlife that wanders through my forest.

  4. Awww, it's so sweet. I love it. And it's perfectly safe from your dog there. :) So glad you were tempted to join in this go around with your Springy piece. Great job.

  5. Aw, he/she looks a little sad. {{{hugs}}} for your bunny. (LOVE that green!)

  6. Such a sweet, whimsical watercolor! It would be so fun to follow along with this little guy in a children's book! :)

    I have a little dog (8 pounds) who managed to find a lot of little bunnies still in the nest. It broke my heart. It took a few years but I know the poor critters now know the scent of dog all over my backyard and I no longer have nests. The clover is a huge attraction, though. Maybe you can borrow Layla! :)

    Jane x

  7. cute drawing, makes me think 'find the rabbit' because during easter eggs are hidden in garden for children to find like looking for rabbits. good take on the theme.

    have a lovely day.

  8. Such a sweet looking bunny rabbit - your two colors are gorgeous
    and I love the scalloped edge you chose. Very pretty. Hope your baby bunnies stay safe!

  9. This is so cute! When we had cats we always worried about the bunnies in the yard. They break your heart when they scream. No more cats but no more bunnies either I'm afraid. We think the foxes and owls are keeping them away. In any case, this is so colorful and springy!

  10. beautiful picture. There do seem to be quite a few rabbits this year.

  11. very cute hiding in the grass bunny :) luckily rabbits around here are up on the hill and there are a lot so dont have to worry about the dog catching any at home

  12. Oh no, sad story but a very cute 🐰 illustration

  13. Weird...I was halfway through my comment when it suddenly disappeared on me. I was saying how adorable your illustration is. I'm so glad you double-check the yard now to keep the bunnies safe.

    I hope you are doing okay, Sue...good to see you getting back into the studio. Art is great therapy.

  14. I love your little bunny among the flowers and clover, s(he) has a sweet face.

  15. Your little bunny conquered my heart. It's so sweet sitting in the fresh green meadow.


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