Sunday, March 5, 2017

sunday sketches :: brave lily

Here is another sketch of my cat, Lily. This will give you an idea of her personality. Our dog is actually much bigger than tiny Lily but I never worry about those two together. Lily can take care of herself!! The poor dog is always the one who backs away when the fighting gets a little too real.

Sharing my Lily painting on Sunday Sketches. Thanks to Alexandra for hosting!


  1. I'm glad you don't have to worry for Lily. What a cute scene you've created.

  2. This is cool :) it looks like spring already started in your garden. I love this joyful scenery and I bet Lily enjoys is as well ;)

  3. This gave me a chuckle!

  4. lovely and fun illustration and love the spunky little cat ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ahead ~ ^_^

  5. Hahahaha, so Lily is a bully, eh? Poor Dobby!

  6. This is a wonderful illustration. Lily seems like firecracker in a cat costume.

  7. I enjoy your cat & dog antics! The way you paint & the animals make me SMILE :)

    Thanks for sharing,
    Grandma Nancy in central IL

  8. Cute! I love how you layer your watercolors! :)

  9. Lily looks happy, the dog looks scared lol


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