Tuesday, April 28, 2015

flower collage cards

A few weeks back, I saw a wonderful idea for collage flowers on Stefanie’s blog.

Now I have a few scraps of paper (more like a few hundred!!) lying about, so I made up some flowers and turned them into birthday cards.

It’s a fun way to use up leftover paper!


  1. Oh I love them.... in the eighties I had a purple dress with polkadots...it's the exact same color as the background for your second flower... it's an exact match to the fabric I wore! Brings back memories!!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE it how you have modified the flowers! They look phantastic! And I feel honoured and proud to see my name here :)
    many thanks!

  3. I LOVE your collage birthday cards! Just found your blog while looking at "Sunday Sketches." You have some darling illustrations.
    Grandma Nancy in central IL


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