Friday, August 2, 2013


Every month, I try to give myself a new challenge or theme of things to draw. I was thinking of getting out and about and drawing some things in the town where I live. But it’s just too stinking hot outside! Maybe I’ll do that in September or October when the weather is a little nicer.

For this month, I’m staying inside where it’s cool. So I’ve decided to just draw stuff in my house.

So to kick off the month of “stuff,” here is a typewriter I bought a few years ago. It actually works really well for something that is over 80 years old! I bought a new ribbon for it and dusted it off and it’s good as new.


  1. Love your typewriter. And the great colours you used (I don't suppose the typewriter actually has these colours ...)! They should make computers in that colour ... ;-)

    1. no, it's actually a shiny black...but if you look at it just can see blues and purples :)

  2. Oh, I'm going to love your month of 'stuff'! I'm already enamored with your typewriter! ♥♥♥

  3. Lovely painting of your typewriter...oh the memories that brings back, the good old typewriter or the Basher as I often used to call it, lol.

    1. i've never heard it called that...but it's sounds about right :)

  4. Wow, love the typewriter drawing/painting!! I agree with you that fall is the time for outdoor art. :-)

  5. Charming old typewriter! I didn't know you could still get ribbons for them! I kind of miss these old "Bashers". I'd love to write a novel on one. Good theme for the month-a la Danny Gregory! :)

  6. It looks great! I love the colours you used. Can almost hear the sound of the typewriter, writing a beautiful 'blue' letter...


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