Wednesday, October 17, 2012

i remember...

This little doodle is a pic of where I used to store all my valuables when I was a child. I glued all sorts of pasta on the lid until it was just right!

I kept sparkly rocks, bird feathers, ball-point pens, rings and bracelets, keys, Cracker Jack toys, postcards, and many other treasures in it. Every beautiful thing I owned would fit in that box.

Now my “cigar box” has grown to the size of a small room in my house. All my favorite things are in this box...but now I call it a studio. I still keep my favorite things in there. Only now my treasures are paints, brushes, paper and pens.


  1. What a lovely idea to call a studio a cigar box!!! And what a great pleasure to find the old cigarboxes on your blog today! I love cigar boxes very much. My grandpa had them and I loved the smell of them. As soon as they were empty me and my brothers and sisters quarreled who will receive the empty box. I also kept my pens, my scissors and paint brushes inside :)

    1. oh, yes, i love the smell of cigar boxes, too. mmmmm....


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