Tuesday, July 17, 2012

new paper

Whenever I order art supplies from Cheap Joes, they always include a little goodie in the package. Sometimes, it’s a pen or an eraser. Once I got a paintbrush, another time some water-soluble pencils. Last week, they sent me a sheet of this new paper called terraskin by mitz…made from rocks.


It’s a little heavier that regular paper…with a very smooth surface. It reminds me of Yupo as the watercolor doesn’t absorb. These three paintings were done on Sunday and are still a little wet in a few places.

I tried one painting using ink first. The ink never dried and the paint just smeared it. Needless to say, that one went into the collage pile.

Since watercolor isn’t absorbed, it sort of sits on top of the paper and if you keep working it, you get mud. Fortunately, you can easily wipe it off and start over. It does have little water bubbles that dried in the paint and it gives it a nice texture. I think.


  1. Fun experimentation! Love the vibrant colors! Never heard of paper made from rocks! :)

  2. These three ladies impress me very much. I very much like the way how the color appears on the special paper. It looks so spirited. - By the way, yesterday I found your nice little picture of the people with umbrellas in autumn. I loved it so much that I have printed it, cutted it out and sticked it on my desk diary in my office. Many thanks!


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