Thursday, April 26, 2012


They don’t seem to mind that they are swimming in a large bowl suspended by cat’s claws. We have to fill the birdbath twice a day…it’s a very popular swimming hole.

It’s very entertaining watching the birds. They make such a mess splashing and splashing! They tend to take turns…not one at a time…but by species or family or whatever.

The finches are the ones I like to watch the most. They can crowd 15 or 20 in at the same time!

If a robin comes, every one leaves. Robins will only allow one or two other robins in the pool. They will chase away any other bird until they are done. The red-winged blackbirds are the same. Pretty bossy little birds!

It’s more entertaining than most of the shows on TV. Well, I think so anyway.


  1. What a cute idea for a birdbath! I didn't know all of this about birds. I'll have to put up a bird bath for entertainment! :)

    1. you will definitely enjoy watching. i just love watching how many varieties we attract...the word gets out somehow :)

  2. I want a birdbath suspended by cat's claws! Looks so cute. I had a birdbath at the last house, but I filled it with dirt and kept wave petunias in it. Missed you tonight!

    1. i got it at bradford...where else? see you next week.


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